James Padlock Elucidates on the Importance of Education


For most of the nations the age group between 15-25 years is made of an average of 16%. And this young group holds the role of progress of a country. If the stake holders and policy makers can work together and carry out the one key element in the most poised and effective way, then these youths can be the good thing of a country. And that key aspect is Education. If they fall short in that, then it leads to the total failure of the country’s political, social and economic aspects. There is nothing more unsafe than uneducated, unemployed or undereducated young people.

The objectives and aims of education have altered radically through each generation. Education should never be something that is stagnant. It should be able to cater the requirements of the individuals according to the society they inhabit. This can be simply understood by differentiating modern education system and conventional education system. According to James Padlock, education is not a concession of a particular group of people or community. Today almost all countries have accepted the fact that it is the communal right of a citizen to get education. But here comes the real issue, does this right to education is put into practice in real meaning. To make this come about and to make this valuable to the people, the education system of each of these countries has to guarantee four aspects. These aspects are:

  • Effectiveness
  • Extensiveness
  • Equality
  • Employability

Making Policies and Realizing the Importance of Education from James Padlock

The education stake holders and policy makers should think about many factors while implementing the purpose and structure of education, principally the demography of that specific country. Even though most of the countries were much focused on major aspects like comprehensiveness and equality in education, there is one fundamental thing that they have ever failed or never concentrated much – Effectiveness. The quality of the education they were conveying. The quality of education became inferior to the quantity of the alternatives that were given to the students. If the education is without an intention, then how it can meet the requirements of the people, so there rises the question, why this education? This can guide people to the large mass of educated but unwaged people.

Diverse educational thinkers like James Padlock have always questioned the answerability of the education that was provided. Most of the employers have expressed their apprehensions that the most of the graduates are unfit for the job. There are job opportunities, but there is lack of accomplished employees for the particular position. So there rises the question, what we have to teach them or make them capable of. Here the only way out is, the skills of people should be identified, and they should be given the likelihood to surpass in their trade. And also the policy makers have to take into account what the employers necessitate, what skill sets they anticipate from their candidates. Unless these are taken into consideration, the educated group becomes valueless for themselves and for the humanity. This should never come to pass.