American College of Acupuncture – A General Overview into The History of Acupuncture


Acupuncture is an alternative system of medicine where doctors insert thin needles in specific points of the patient’s body. These are known as meridians or acupressure points. Experts say the needles penetrate to different depths to stimulate the relevant nerves, surrounding muscles, and tissues in these areas. This activates the natural healing mechanism in a patient’s body and results in an increase in blood flow in these regions. The specialists further point out that acupuncture is effective in the treatment of a wide range of disorders. These include tendinitis, respiratory ailments, dysmenorrhea, headaches, arthritis, skin problems, chronic back pain, and asthma.

American College of Acupuncture – An insight into acupuncture

American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is a premier post-baccalaureate educational institution in Texas. It conducts a wide range of graduate degree courses in areas such as Herbology, Tui-Na, Tai-Chi, and Biomedical science. The mission of this institution is to introduce and strengthen traditional Chinese medical practices within the contemporary health care system in America. The integration of the Eastern and Western systems of medicine can lead to advances in the cure of many illnesses. This can result in providing better health care to all sections of society. Students who pass out of the institution acquire the skills, knowledge, and expertise to pursue successful careers as holistic doctors.

History of Acupuncture

Experts from The American College of Acupuncture say acupuncture is an ancient medical procedure. Historical records dating back to approximately 6000 BCE prove that the practice of acupuncture began in China. Archaeologists excavating several sites throughout the country have found many artifacts which they believe to be the first acupuncture needles. They also discovered ancient documents suggesting that acupuncture was an integral part of The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine. Ten Rhijne, a European doctor with the British East India Company, gave an in-depth description of acupuncture in 1680. This led to a great deal of interest in America and England in this traditional therapeutic procedure by the 19th century. Gradually, acupuncture became part of the curriculum in medical colleges throughout these countries after the publication of Osler’s book on the subject. Later in 1971, an American journalist was given acupuncture treatment in China after undergoing an appendectomy operation.

Providing training and information in acupuncture

These specialists further to explain acupuncture needs to be taught properly in all medical colleges around the world. Doctors specializing in providing acupuncture treatment have to undergo extensive training. They need to know precisely where to insert the sterile acupuncture needles in the patient’s body. This minimizes the risk of any serious infection resulting from bleeding, soreness, and bruising.

Moreover, they should be aware of which patients are suitable candidates for undergoing an acupuncture treatment. The experts clarify people suffering from bleeding disorder should never take this procedure as it may lead to further complications. Even those individuals who have a pacemaker should avoid acupuncture as the needles disrupt the electrical pulses of the device.

Experts from the American College of Acupuncture clarify that acupuncture is known to cure many serious illnesses. This is possible only when doctors administering this procedure have the right knowledge and skills on where to insert the needles in the patient’s body. This, in turn, can minimize the risk of many infections and cure bodily infections as well.